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Saturday, February 22, 2014

***The Wedding Crashers Crash Out- Vince Vaughn’s The Internship-A Film Review

DVD Review
From The Pen Of Frank Jackman

The Internship, starring Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, 20th Century-Fox, 2013

See there were these two guys who had an agenda, a clever line of spiel, a back and forth repartee and patter with the women, and could sell whatever there was to sell, in selling themselves. And successfully jumping into various and sundry beds as a result. Oh, no that was the Wedding Crashers not the film under review, The Internship. Well, wait a minute, maybe that synopsis is not so far off as this pair, Vince Vaughn (who co-wrote this one) and Owen Wilson (the pair playing modern day Mutt and Jeff, Abbott and Costello, etc. etc.) once again team up to give a funny pair of performances which kept the thinness and commonality of the plot-line from causing us all to go into a stupor.  These guys can apparently save anything with their antic hay humor.     

Okay, let’s try again. See there are two guys, two guys who can sell anything while selling themselves, who become unemployed by virtue of their company going under. What to do. Well why not go from just your average low- tech middle-aged joes to try out life in the land of high- tech. And the culture of high- tech chosen (and on display) is none other than at Google out in sunny California. Except you just don’t walk in and grab some job on your resume there (at least in this film) but must run the gauntlet by serving an internship filled with all kinds of funny tasks, including team-building, for the few available jobs. Well you know our two boys are nothing but low-tech guys so they would fail themselves and their motley of teammates if it was only techie stuff but they bring their version of shoulder-to-the-wheel-think-out-of-the-box in to save the day. And mercifully save this film with their flat-out slap-stick hi-jinx that made even this low-tech guy laugh a few times. No, many times.            


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