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Sunday, November 26, 2017

The 100th Anniversary of the Moon Pie-A Slice Of Americana  

Click below to link to an NPR Weekend Edition story in praise of said treat on its 100th anniversary

By Acting Site Administrator Greg Green

If anybody takes a glance at the archives of this blog, American Left History you will find plenty of serious history pieces, ditto politics, music, film, books and other arcana. But not everything posted on this site must of necessity be of some world historic importance. The standard is basically that whatever posted reflects some aspect of the American (and because despite the deniers this is an immigrant country, a country which gets reflected in the cultural mix brought forth by those very immigrants and which defies, and has defies vanilla-ization if there is such a word) international experiences.

Hence this bon mot for our old friend the moon pie of blessed childhood memory. You know you had one, maybe more, of if not you wanted one when you went to some bakery and clamored to your mother under penalty of tantrum to get you one-or else. I will confess that Grandmother Riley, as good a baker as she was couldn’t top the ones bought at the store. The only surprise to me in this story was how much of a regional treat this was, mainly Southern, since I got mine in the very Northern Rockland, Maine childhood growing up hometown.        

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