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Friday, March 14, 2014

Last Notice For Chelsea Manning Contingent In The Boston Saint Patrick’s Peace Parade

Heroic Wikileaks Whistleblower Private Chelsea Manning ‘s Fight For Freedom Will Again Be Remembered At The Fourth Annual Veterans For Peace-Led Saint Patrick’s Peace Parade in South Boston On March 16, 2014

VFPers (and many others) are still committed to fighting for freedom for Chelsea Manning and, as we have the past three years, will be prominently displaying signs and stickers on her behalf. We will have an organized group right behind the VFP-lead contingent within the parade in order to honor Chelsea and spread the word about her plight and about the need to have President Obama pardon her.

We will have the VFP Chelsea banner, new Chelsea signs and sticker reflecting Chelsea’s gender-change although others can make signs available to be passed out at the parade. Also Amnesty International/Courage To Resist petitions to be signed calling on President Obama to pardon our sister. We will not leave our sister behind.

We will be forming up at the corner of D Street and West Fourth in South Boston (take Redline MBTA to Broadway Station-walk up four blocks and then left) at 2 PM for a 3 PM step-off (note time change).

Finally the Saint Patrick’s Peace Parade Organizing Committee has incurred some expenses organizing this effect. In order to off-set those expenses we are urging every participant to buy a Peace Parade 2014 button to commemorate the event. Suggested donation is $5.00 so bring some cash with you if possible.


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