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Monday, March 17, 2014

***Report On Remembrance Of Chelsea Manning In The Boston Saint Patrick’s Peace Parade On March 16th 

Heroic Wikileaks Whistleblower Private Chelsea Manning ‘s fight for freedom was remembered at the Fourth Annual Veterans For Peace-Led Saint Patrick’s Peace Parade in South Boston On March 16, 2014

VFPers (and many others) are still committed to fighting for freedom for Chelsea Manning. As had been done the previous three years there were prominently displayed signs on the duck boat and elsewhere on her behalf. An organized group marched right behind the VFP lead contingent with a banner in order to honor Chelsea and spread the word about need to continue to fight for her freedom and about the need to have President Obama pardon her.
Supporters of Chelsea Manning were also out in force distributing informational leaflets and the now familiar orange stickers now reflecting her new recent gender identification and encouraging participants to sign the Amnesty International and Private Manning Support Network petitions calling on President Barack Obama to pardon her. A speaker spoke from an impromptu platform about the case and its current status while the parade was being formed emphasizing that we will not leave our sister behind.       

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